Math Information

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2017-2018 School Year Open House: July 31, 2017

Summer Ideas  for Math Fun: 

  • Cook or bake together and talk about the fractions, temperatures
  • Have them cut sandwiches into halves, thirds, or fourths.
  • Play board games and have students add the two dice or multiply to help practice math facts while enjoying the game
  • Campout in the backyard, and read stories together with a lantern.
  • Have a scavenger hunt for finding different shapes on your walk or drive
  • Go shopping together and have your child add the price of two items together, or give them a calculator and let them add up the price of ALL the items you are buying.
  • Go grocery shopping and have your child do some mental math, by rounding the price to the nearest dollar and mentally add the items.
  • Go to a family entertainment event or activity and have your child figure out the cost for 2 or 3 admissions.
  • Have your child calculate the miles to your family vacation, the cost of gasoline for the trip, calculate travel time if going 70 miles per hour on average.
  • Go to a movie and have your child figure elapsed time based upon the movie times.
  • Have your child figure out how many days until their birthday, July 4th, or any other special event. Ask if there is an easier way to figure it out without counting each individual day.
  • Plan a family even and have your child calculate the cost of food for picnic, or concession costs at a movie.



Students will be working on counting 1-100 by ones, skip counting by 10’s.  They will work on one to one correspondence, cardinality  (last number counted is the number of items they have).  They will work on all the combinations that make the numbers 1-5 to compose and decompose numbers.  We also work on lots of vocabulary words:(placement: above, below, beside, next to, under, over)  (comparison words: bigger,smaller, least, most, fewer, greater, longest, longer, short, shorter, shortest)


students should be able to count items up to 120 in the correct sequence and with a one to one correspondence.  They should be able to count on from any number within 120.  This group will skip count by 10’s and 5’s.  The students will then focus on addition and subtraction facts with sums of ten and minuends of ten and less, along with place value of ones and tens. Students will be able to identify the tens and one’s place value in a two digit number.

Fun Games: build the bridge and put numbers in order. connect the dots to 30 and make a picture.  You can select the number your student will count to from 20-100. put numbers in order on the 100’s chart


2nd grade:

Students should be fluent, which means they should be memorizing, all their addition and subtraction facts through 20.   Students should be able to count to 1000 and start at any number counting forwards or backwards. Students will be working with place value and identifying the ones, tens and hundreds.   They will relate addition to subtraction and list the 4 related math facts. (2 addition equations and 2 subtraction equations)   They will be writing expanded form and building the number with base ten blocks.  These students will need to be able to mentally add or subtract  10, and 100 to any 3 digit number.


3rdgrade: This year your student should be fluent, which means they should be memorizing, all their multiplication and division facts 0-9.  Students will focus on place value and identifying one, tens, hundreds and thousands. The students will review addition and subtraction with regrouping.  Students will be mentally adding or subtracting  100, and 1000 to any 4 digit number.  Students will be rounding numbers to tens, hundreds, and thousands. In addition the student will be able to place these numbers on the number line.

Since the fluency goal for third graders is to know all their multiplication facts 0-9 it will be important to use the following website each week to allow your student to select the multiplication table they would like to practice. Select a multiplication times table to practice.  This game is good since it does not mix up the times table facts but allows a student to focus on a particular multiplication facts.  2’s 3’s etc. 

The following websites provide great games to practice multiplication facts:  Shoot baskets by answering math facts, select oAddition, Subtraction, Multiplication, or Division.  Race car game to practice multiplication facts. Select a multiplication times table to practice.  This game is good since it does not mix up the times table facts but allows a student to focus on a particular multiplication facts.  2’s 3’s etc.


4th Graders:

Students will work on place value to the millions and thousandths.  They will be focusing on reading, writing  and comparing decimals.  Students will work on multiplying multi-digit whole numbers by 1 digit.  4th graders will also be working on long division with 1 digit divisors. In addition student will be adding and subtracting with decimals and fractions with common denominators.


5th Graders:

Students will be working on Place value to the billions and thousandths.  They will be working with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers.



Websites: Provides great games to practice math concepts Provides math facts practice base ten practice k-3 base ten practice 3-5 Place value song 1-10-100 grades 1-3  Place value song ones -millions  grades 3-5